





The Spider Returns poster by Glenn Cravath
The Spider's Web and The Spider Returns
© Columbia Pictures Corp.
The Spider TM & © Argosy Communications, Inc.
Serial Promotion

Hollywood produced many items to keep a modern Spider collector busy. But time has produced many gaps in our record of what is out there. Just take a look at how weak my galleries are for The Spider's Web and The Spider Returns where I tried to assemble as much known serial material as possible, and you'll see how few items have turned up.

Spider's Web Membership Cards
If by "membership" we mean "faithful viewer who comes back to the same theater for fifteen weeks to get his card punched."

Spider's Web Pennant
This curious item surfaced on eBay a few years ago: A green pennant with the words "The Spider's Web," plus a "CPC" logo (presumably for Columbia Pictures Corp.)

Serial Advertising
With lobby cards, stills, and posters of various sizes for each of the 30 serial chapters, there's plenty to collect here!

Spider Mask?
Super-collector Rex Miller claims (in James Van Hise's Pulp Heroes of the Thirties) that at least one serial exhibitor gave away a Spider Mask, probably with The Spider's Web. I have found no reference for this anywhere else, but it sure sounds like a good idea to me!